Monday, August 08, 2005

Reversal of Personality Test

So after writing the post below I got to thinking. What if I were to start a blog and write about a bunch of political news, but instead of writing my opinions, I would take the exact opposite stance and write what some neo nazi ultra conservative hate lover (hah! hate lover) would write. First off, would I get ridiculous responses from both right and left wingers?
ex. I think gays should be forced to take therapy to straighten themselves out.
Right response: You're so totally right! Fucking homos. I love your blog.
Left response: What the hell is wrong with you? Die you fucking nazi!
And second, would I start to believe, or at least empathize with those views? It seems like it might be an interesting social experiment. Anybody know if somehting like this has been attempted with a journal, or some other outdated writing medium.
Totally unrelated except for that last bit, I weep thinking about the day when we only have e-books. I love paper books. I love bookshops. I can spend hours looking at nothing in particular.
Also, I have finally regressed into a fantastic procrastinator.


Blogger said...

Yes, yes, and yes. I agree with you on all three points. Let the propaganda pour on out.

R: Tim is procrastinating.

L: Tim never procrastinates.

R: Tim, right now, is reading the blog. Therefore, he is procrastinating.

L: Reading the blog is a progressive act, a step forward, a step towards 2003 UB313.

R: We're regressing everytime we blog.

L: R, I'm gonna kill you!

AJH said...

Here's my opinion:
I think Tim is very intelligent, and his personal hygene is beyond reproach.