Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The Armor of God.....Pajamas

Nothing about this really seems wrong, except for the feeling i get looking at the picture. Children crusaders and bible thumpers. Freaks me out.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

CSU Fight Song

CSU sings this song called Fum's Song along with an old guy (Fum) on video during football games. It's been banned this year to much argument. Interestingly, Cornell is in the song. I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's for the rhyme.

I'll sing you a song of college days
And tell you where to go.
Aggies where knowledge is,
Boulder spends your dough.

CC for your sissy boys,
Utah for your times,
DU for your ministers,
For drunkards, Shcool of Mines.

Don't send my boy to Wyoming U.,
A dying mother said.
Don't send my boy to Utah State,
I'd rather see him dead.

But send him to the ole Aggies,
'Tis beter than Cornell,
But rather than in Boulder,
I would see my boy in hell!

Monday, August 28, 2006

Little Miss Sunshine

Though I wouldn't want to raise your expectations and thus ruin the experience, I recommend seeing this film. Surely a big screen is not necessary; you could wait for netflicks, but are you really going to remember? Is there really anything else out there right now? Factoid looks fun, but it won't come to my little town soon. This little film has great cartoon like characters and some wonderfully dark humor.
But you know me. What film wouldn't I love that begins with a girl hugging her brother after a suicide attempt and saying, "I'm so glad you're still with us."
He says, "That makes one of us."

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

For Matt with Love

"Some physicists have even proposed that it isn't the amount and type of matter in the universe that needs to be adjusted, it's the law of gravity itself. They have suggested alternative theories that boost the strength of gravity on galactic and intergalactic scales in order to do away with the need for dark matter."

Irrefutable proof my ass. What a load of crap!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006