According to
Wikipedia, Walpole, NH has a population of 3,594 people spread out over 36.6 square miles (giving a population density of 101 people per square mile, or one person for every 500 ft x 500 ft square). The population's also 98.3% white. I think Walpole needs an affirmative action plan, because that's kind of sad. Probably could use some sky scrapers too, in order to up the population density a bit.
This is a really interesting link. I usually can't muster the mental strength to examine statistics in any depth, but this stuff is pretty fascinating. By the way, it's unbelievable that The Whole Enchilada Festival didn't make it onto the page for Las Cruces.
Ha! Las Cruces is irrigated by Elephant Butte! That's hilarious! No wonder Dan smells so bad, it's all those Elephant Butte vegetables!
This will keep me amused for at least a decade to come. Elephant Butte! Las Cruces! Ha!
butte (pronounced byewt): an isolated hill or mountain with steep or preciptious sides usu. having a flat top and a smaller summit area than a mesa
Butte! Ha!
Butte! seriously AJ that is hilarious. Dan i can't believe you grew up drinking elephant poop!
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