Sunday, July 24, 2005

Sit back and enjoy the ride

I was reading an article recently about China. Apparently they have been slowly but surely scaling up their military recently, although they still lack the ability to project their military much beyond their own borders. No one knows why they're doing this, but some think that one day they will threaten the U.S. as a world super power - others fear for the independence of Taiwan. Of course, no one in China would admit that they're thinking of taking Taiwan back, but recently a Chinese general was quoted as threatening nuclear war if the US attempted to protect Taiwan in such a situation saying, "The Americans will have to be prepared that hundreds of their cities will be destroyed by the Chinese." Think of that next time you shop at Walmart.

Does anyone else feel like we're totally screwed - spiraling uncontrollably toward disaster? It's just a question of from which direction the deadly blow will come. I used to think this was a unique point in history, and then I realized I think it's always like this, it's just that I only recently started paying attention.


Dad said...

I'd forgotten how funny jimmy was.


you're funny.

good one.


AJH said...

That's the problem. Unlike the terrorists who Hate freedom and want to destroy it, China is jealous and wants to take our freedom! Think of that the next time you honor General Tso by consuming the delicious dish which bears his name! Or Colonel Dumpling for that matter.

Space Monkey said...

Certainly bald monkeys don’t know much about politics, but I did read a few articles about the China Taiwan conflict before and after I went to China. As China buys more submarines, we are rethinking our plans about how close our aircraft carriers can be and how quickly our planes can respond to an attack from new distances. According to the few articles I read, the smack is going to go down. Without any desire to sound racist (because my feelings are based on the dense crowds of spoiled babies without siblings to beat them (I fucking hate families of only children)) I strongly feel we should send all of our nukes at China yesterday. There are too many of them and I hate them. Kill them all. That is just my opinion man.