Sunday, June 19, 2005


So I've been meaning to blog but can never think of anything to blog about. So then I thought: "what if I blogged about nothing". Perfect. Remember in High School when people would write papers about nothing, or better yet turn in a blank sheet of paper? I know a girl who did it twice, to different teachers, on two differnet topics and got a B+ and a C. Ridiculous! (and this was a world class institution, not some camp for rich ski brats, whose english department head will give anyone an A just for giving praise to the devil.) This really is pretty good, when you consider the reward/effort ratio, but also comes at high risk. I tried to think of ways to submit a blank blog, but then you'd just scroll down to where there was actually writing and wonder about all the empty space above it. You'd probably say something like "stupid internet, must be broken again." This clearly lacks the effectiveness of the stark blank piece of 20# printer paper with your name in the upper right hand corner. So instead of taking this approach, I decided to write about nothing... but of course this turned into writing about something - namely writing about nothing - and so this is how I have failed. At least I managed to enetertain you for a couple minutes, or at least given you yet another reason to kill me.


Dad said...

i am going to kill aj

Space Monkey said...

I too would enjoy making his heart stop.
This fore mentioned school for ski brats would never give an A for simply praising the devil; one must also berate the big JC and glorify booze.
Furthermore, the atttempt to write about nothing was rather weak.