Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Example of Format Change

For example, this would have either had to be sized too small to read under the old format, or would have had the side cropped off making it pointless to post.


Tim said...

I agree the change isn't perfect. I would like to figure out how to edit the HTML to shrink the left panel so more of the page is dedicated to the content. If you don't like the format we can change that, but I feel strongly that dynamic sizing makes the page much easier to view on multiple monitor sizes, and allows the posting of wider images. You don't HAVE to post wider if your image doesn't require it, but it's nice to have the option.

Tim said...

I decreased the sidebar from 33% to 25%, I think it looks a bit better.

Dan, one other thing that I meant to mention: Blogger may automatically resize uploaded photos, but it does not do that to direct links. Personally, I never directly upload to the blog, I always link to someone else's image/video or to my own photobucket page.

Anyway, I don't think it makes a big deal, but personally I really like the improved freedom this new layout offers. The fixed width just felt very repressive.

Blogger said...

Well, I'm a little disappointed that you deleted all the links that I had compiled in the sidebar. And since I upload all of my photographs directly onto Blogger, I won't be able to enjoy any of the benefits of this new layout.

But I'm easy to please and I doubt that I (or any of our other avid readers) will have problems with this new layout. It's like when the New York Times switched over all its fonts to Cheltenham typeface back in 2003. At first I was outraged and now I don't even notice.

Tim said...

Yeah man, I'm really sorry about deleting the links. I forgot to back up the page when I was trying some stuff and all the sudden it was gone. Are you still seeing a problem on the left side of the page? I haven't had that problem at all, and it looks fine to me right now. Feel free to mess around with fonts, colors, etc if you want to make the look more appealing.

Ryan said...

I just want to say, I still love this post. And I'm down for a little change. I spent about a month working to learn apple cpus, ultimately I've thrown in the towel, but I think I put off brain deterioration by a few years by doing it.