Sunday, August 05, 2007

Words to live by

Ab·er·ra·tion Pronunciation: "a-b&-'rA-sh&n
1 : a departure from what is right, true, correct, etc.
2 : a deviation from the normal or the typical
3 : mental derangement or lapse
4 : Astron. a small apparent change in position of a heavenly body, caused by the orbital motion of the earth and the motion of light rays from body
5 : Optics a) the failure of light rays from one point to converge to a single focus b) an error in a lens or mirror causing such failure
6 : an aberrant individual (Spacemonkey, Harvey)

an·tin·o·my Pronunciation: an-'ti-n&-mE
1 : a contradiction between two apparently equally valid principles or between inferences correctly drawn from such principles
2 : a fundamental and apparently unresolvable conflict or contradiction (antinomies of beauty and evil, freedom and slavery, work and beer, marriage and hanging out, Aj and nice people, Tim and buying a ring, Matt and phone conversations, Ty and motivation, Dan and Harvey, Jim and a pot of boiling water, Chris and mean people, Vinnie and ugly girls, Ryan and polite society, -- Stephen Holden)

1 comment:

Blogger said...

Astron. definitions are always the most poetic. Principles are simply propaganda.