Saturday, May 06, 2006

June, Part Deux

I'm not going to let this get together idea die, dammit! Ryan has confirmed that he is indeed intending to drive out east at the end of June, and i'm seriously considering joining him. So would you fellas be up for trying to arrange a weekend get together somewhere? Jimmy, could we pick you up on the way? I think this has some potential.


Blogger said...

Won't be in New York during the months of June and July. Will be in New Mexico.

Blogger said...

What the fuck? If we're going to meet up and hang out, then we should do that on the porch of 130 Linden Avenue in Ithaca, New York. Seriously. June 2006 is about the porch. Give me a date and I'll get a plane ticket to Syracuse.

Tim said...

Harvey, If you're going to be in New Mexico, drive on up to CO and hitch a ride! We can find our way to an airport somewhere and fly standby on the way back.

Blogger said...

The last time that I hitched a ride to CO was a complete disaster, though Space Monkey did receive very special treatment from a friend of the chauffeur.

Space Monkey said...

I'm not certain about driving anymore. My car feels ill. I may end up flying