Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Dad said that Harvey said I need to Blog, so here I go...
#1. This is a picture I took Half way up Mt. Warner three weeks ago. It reminds me that god loves us.

#2. I verbally accepted a job yesterday afternoon. I'll be working on specification development for the Energy Star program. This means I get to figure out how things work, and how they can work more efficiently, and then set guidelines for the requirements they need to meet to get the energy star rating. Then saavy consumers who care about the fate of our world and our dependence on foreign oil, will look for an energy star rated vacuum cleaner when their old one eats the cat.

#3. I think we all suck and we should write more on this blog. What's everyone upto?

#4. I will be soon be contacting you all about our new 130 Linden Website. The plan is this - I register 130linden.org and setup a simple website. You then each send me $10 and you get a POP3 email address of your choosing (spacemonkey@130linden.org for example) and your own subdomain for your own webpage (www.spacemonkey.130linden.org for example). If I'm really clever I will find a way to integrate our blog into the website, but I don't know how to do that. All those in favor say Aye, all those opposed say Nay. Posted by Hello


tyrona said...


Tim said...

Aye, matey!