Saturday, April 23, 2005


Ty is sooooo cute! Listen to this:

"Currently, we are living in Philadelphia, PA with Dancer, Linda, and Bunches, our dog, cat and rabbit." How adorable! They really love that rabbit!

"I'm planning on taking a few classes this spring in preperation for heading back into the acedemic world, and I'm still working out the details of my next employment." Who are you trying to fool? I heard Anna got Ty a new apron and vacuum cleaner for his birthday. Ty's so wonderful, don't you just want to marry him? I can just hear him now: "Don't worry Dr. Lundeen, we don't need money, all we need is love (and bunches). I'm going paddling again, can I have $100."

Speaking of marraige - "And now for our big news! No, we're not getting married (we know that's what you all were thinking!). We're training for a triathlon!!" Seriously Ty, you're screwed. So screwed it's adorably cute! That caught me totally by surprise. I thought maybe you found that kidney donor you've been waiting for.

Friday, April 15, 2005

Slope Day

I was just reading the Daily Sun online, and did you know that they've got Snoop Dogg coming to Slope Day this year?! What the hell? Can you imagine the kind of unbridled chaos that is going to create? I would love to see it. Ahhhh, chaos.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Dad said that Harvey said I need to Blog, so here I go...
#1. This is a picture I took Half way up Mt. Warner three weeks ago. It reminds me that god loves us.

#2. I verbally accepted a job yesterday afternoon. I'll be working on specification development for the Energy Star program. This means I get to figure out how things work, and how they can work more efficiently, and then set guidelines for the requirements they need to meet to get the energy star rating. Then saavy consumers who care about the fate of our world and our dependence on foreign oil, will look for an energy star rated vacuum cleaner when their old one eats the cat.

#3. I think we all suck and we should write more on this blog. What's everyone upto?

#4. I will be soon be contacting you all about our new 130 Linden Website. The plan is this - I register and setup a simple website. You then each send me $10 and you get a POP3 email address of your choosing ( for example) and your own subdomain for your own webpage ( for example). If I'm really clever I will find a way to integrate our blog into the website, but I don't know how to do that. All those in favor say Aye, all those opposed say Nay. Posted by Hello

Monday, April 11, 2005

Lovely Denver

Got to love the weather here in Denver. It's been so nice all week I've been walking around in shorts. Now I've got 15 inches of snow in my front yard. Go figure.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Tsunamis and the Pope


I'm a dork. I know that. But so is Ty. And Jim.... definitely Chris. Dan and Ryan might have hope, (i think they are both savants, which is different) but i don't even have to argue that Tim and AJ are dorks.

My point is this. I was watching Nova.... the Tsunami in Southeast Asia shortened the day. Albeit only by a mere 3 millionths of a second. But that is awesome. AWESOME!!!! Ty? Awesome right? the huge plate that subducted under the other brought the mass of the earth closer to its center. Holy shit.

In About 28 Billion Years the Pope might have to make another one of those declarations that we're off by a couple weeks. "Today is not April 5th, It is March 26th" And just like that Ty will have to suffer through UNC's road to the championship again.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

The Four Best Words to Hear When You Wake Up

"What Happened Last Night?"


"Don't Worry About It"

Friday, April 01, 2005

I am Mischievous. I am Loki... Hear me roar! Posted by Hello

Hey Jim, Dan and Chris - You suck! Posted by Hello