That's right losers.
We on the west Search for Ninjas more than you guys.
See: of that. You should check this out. It's so damn cool, that I bet some of you probably already know about it: Oregon gets number one for "space monkey" searches.
The author searching is really cool. Southerners like "Faulkner" are mainly in the south, but then the
german "
rilke" is searched most in Alaska. What the hell? They look into one of the most influential modern
german imagist poets?
For most of the author searches there is is black whole in the middle north. I guess ranchers in Montana still don't have CPUs.
The distribution for Vonnegut is bland, but the timeline feature shows a huge spike of searches in the year of his death. They love artists when they're dead.
Coen Brothers in 2004 (that's as early as it goes) when we knew they were the shit before everyone else, were dominated by New York and very few searches even happened. Now the whole country is on the band wagon.